[Image] I believe that it is wrong for the government to tell me what I can have on my webpage! Many people have said the same thing, and this is not something that is taken lightly. The world-wide web in its name alone tells me that the US government does not have the right, nor does any country have the right to regulate what can be put on the world-wide web. But the US has decided to speak for the rest of the world and start regulations. And according to the government, for the people and of the people, we as members of the US support this desion. Then why are so many people protesting this law? Why are so many pages black? Why are so many blue ribbions on peoples pages? These are all for a good reason. Many, if not the majority of people do not support the new law. Like me they see the problems, and want our fredom. The government says that this law is to get rid of pornography, but that is only what the government tells you. They use this cloud of the fact that this law banning pornography to make it look like anyone supporting this law is supporting pornography. This is totally untrue. As a webpage writer, I must tell you that pornography is not all that will vanish. Look at my page, http://www-scf.usc.edu/~proulx/RHPS.html. When this law starts getting enforced this page, and many of the pages linked to this page will no longer exist. That is because The Rocky Horror Picture Show has been threatened on the web. Politicions have threatened to take this off the web because it is considered indesent to them. I may not be a born again christian, or a practicing Jew, but I am allowed to have my own view. To me RHPS is perfectly fine. I even support what RHPS stands for. But it will be gone, not because of nudity or vulgarity, but because the government has decided that this view is indecent. I can only wonder haw many more ideas will be effected by this law. Will every view about sex be banned, or just the view of homosexual sex. That is what the government perseves RHPS as. I will tell you as a side note, that is not what RHPS is about at all. RHPS has one line that describes the entire movie. Don't dream it, be it. It's to bad that some democrate, or republicain, or whatever else he is can't open his eyes and realize this. It's sad that the government will narrow ideas to only that which it can comprehend. But maybe that is the way it will be. I think that it doesn't have to be this way. There are many things we can do to protect our right to free speech. Write Congress, the President, Senate, and every other burocrate you can think of, and let him know how you feel. Remember this is our country, we are the people, and we should make sure the burocrates know that! Sorry about the delay in link! I was away for the weekend. Prev/Next/Index